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Institutional Information

IPCA is a Public Higher Education Institution of foundational nature with a private law regime, under the Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions. IPCA has statutory, pedagogical, scientific, cultural, administrative, financial, patrimonial, and disciplinary autonomy.


Considering that an organisation’s mission is directly related to its identity and organisational culture, it is enshrined in its statutes: “To contribute to the development of society, stimulate cultural creation, applied research and research, and foster reflective and humanistic thinking. Integrated into the European higher education space, provide areas of knowledge for attractive professional activities at the national and international levels, promoting mobility, employability, and reciprocal relationships with the community.”


In the conception and practice of its administrative mechanisms, IPCA is guided by principles of democracy and participation, with a view to:

a) Promote the free expression of a plurality of ideas and opinions.

b) Ensure the freedom of cultural, artistic, scientific, and technological creation.

c) Provide the necessary conditions for a critical attitude and permanent scientific, artistic, and pedagogical innovation.

d) Encourage the involvement of the entire faculty, non-teaching staff, and students in its activities.

e) Foster a close connection with the community in the organisation and implementation of its activities, aiming, in particular, at the integration of its graduates into professional life.


IPCA regards the following values as fundamental:

a) Ethics.

b) Excellence.

c) Inclusive, innovative, and flexible education.

d) Knowledge transfer and valorization.

e) Competitiveness and entrepreneurship.