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Master Degrees

  • Accounting and Finance


    The Master in Accounting and Finance aims to meet the advanced training needs of professionals who seek to deepen and update their technical and scientific knowledge in the areas of accounting and finance. The main objectives are to train professionals in the areas of accounting, finance and taxation in order to allow them to improve their skills in the performance of their function and professional career enhancement. The increased skills will enable the understanding of the accounting harmonisation process at national and international levels and develop scientific research competence in the field of Accounting and Finance.

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  • Applied Artificial Intelligence

    After work

    The Master's in Artificial Intelligence aims to provide specific training in the area of (applied) artificial intelligence for students in the areas of computer engineering and electronic engineering, or related areas, from any higher education institution. In the specific case of EST students, this master's degree is especially attractive to students from the Degree in Computer Systems Engineering, the Degree in Medical Informatics, the Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Degree in Engineering in Digital Games Development.

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  • Auditing


    The Master in Auditing aims to develop specialised studies on issues of auditing and to train human resources who are able to control a set of scientific knowledge and to develop a thesis or a work project or a professional placement with a final report. This project of advanced training of human resources aims to train specialized staff in audit that would meet the specific needs of small, medium and large enterprises, financial and administrative areas, giving special attention to the area of audit (internal or external) and also provide essential knowledge to a future of the profession of Chartered Accountant of the responsibility of the Order of Chartered Accountants. Furthermore, the purpose of providing these resources with information on the strategic management of organizations.

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  • Autarchic/Local Government Management


    The Master in Local Government Management has as main objective the consolidation of an advanced model of local government management through highly specialised training and technical and scientific qualification of professionals with responsibilities in local management to the highest level.

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  • Business Management


    The Master in Business Management aims to provide students with a set of management skills allowing the use of the latest and most innovative methods, techniques and tools combining problem analysis and problem solving in both public and private institutions. In order to meet the personal and professional needs and expectations, there are two distinct branches offered: Business Management and Public Management.

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  • Design and Product Development


    The Master in Product Design and Development aims at providing students with competences and technical-scientific knowledge in Product Design and Development, based on design methodologies and tools that focus on satisfaction of individual and collective needs, and resorting to the most recent technologies in project, simulation, and fabrication. The inherent approach is based on stimulating creativity, innovation, and excellence through the different levels that exist in Product Design, with the purpose of playing an active and interventional role in productive industries, recognizing the importance of branding, in face of the current market realities and challenges.

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  • Digital Design


    The Master in Digital Design aims to provide students with an advanced training in areas and disciplines of Design specifically targeted at Digital media. The education focuses on a strong practical component, with a strong methodological and technical approach, contemplating a broad training in specific software in the area of digital design.

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  • Electronics and Computer Engineering


    The Master in Electronics and Computer Engineering has two branches: Automation and Robotic, and Medical Electronics.The course has a strong practical component and provides a sound-based technical and scientific training. The Graduate is enabled to carry out multidisciplinary activities relevant to industrial automation and medical electronics within a domain that integrates analysis and design of dynamic systems, sensors, actuators, control devices and automatic command in real time.

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  • Engineering of Digital Games Development


    The Master in Engineering of Digital Games Development is intended for those who want to learn the main technologies to support the development of games, but also the design, analysis and production of games. We educate professionals who will contribute to the future of games by adapting the technological state of art to the mechanics and design of the game, according to its cultural significance. This course also has the advantage of being taught in the IPCA Digital Games Research Centre, the only one in the area in Portugal. Digital Games Lab is equipped with multidisciplinary laboratories and has the most advanced motion capture technology in the country.

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  • Illustration and Animation


    The Master in Illustration and Animation (MIA) is the only master degree at national level bringing together two emerging areas – Illustration and Animation – in a multidisciplinary approach and assertively answering to the current and global market needs. Based on visual communication, from the artistic to the commercial perspective, MIA intends to offer a comprehensive education, in which students can choose the development of a final project consistent with their skills and preferences, whether at the level of the illustration or animation or both, building an ambivalent project. It is a Master degree recognized and awarded by international publishers and animation film festivals respectively.

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  • Industrial Engineering and Management

    After work

    The Master in Engineering and Industrial Management aims to complement the training acquired in a first cycle of studies in Engineering and Industrial Management or engineering courses in a wide range of areas, providing students with a range of skills that will enable them to plan and manage complex systems, integrating technological, organizational, human and financial components in an industrial and business context.

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  • Informatics Engineering


    The Master in Informatics Engineering has as a main goal the transmission of knowledge in application development fields, networking and security, and also business systems. Modern curriculum, updated and focused on the essential, with the decision based on knowledge, business systems integration, modelling business processes, multi-sensory mobile computing, advanced databases, cloud computing and big data oriented architecture services, security, software quality and programming web 3.0.

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  • Integrated Systems of Management


    This master degree aims to provide senior and intermediate managers with qualified skills in the methodologies for implementation, improvement and auditing of integrated management systems in the areas of quality, environment, safety and health at work, food safety, innovation and information security. The students will have an advanced, comprehensive and up-to-date technical and scientific training that will allow them to play an active and intervening role in the organizational reality.

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  • Legal Studies [Solicitors]


    The Master's Degree Legal Studies (Solicitors) is part of the advanced training in the legal sciences, providing a specialization in the area of Corporate and another in Contracts, considered of particular interest to the legal professions. Its general objective is the development of specialized studies in these areas, training professionals who are capable of mastering a set of scientific knowledge that best qualifies them for the exercise of the profession, completing and strengthening their skills. The training focuses on the consolidation of knowledge and the development of specialized, technical and professional skills appropriate to the best performance of graduates in legal areas in the labour market.

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  • Management

    Wednesday (post-work) and Saturday (all day)

    The Masters in Management was designed with two branches of expertise – the Financial Management branch and the Human Resources Management branch – and it is aimed at those who wish to acquire and deepen their knowledge and skills in the area of management, in general, and specifically in the financial and human resources areas. The masters is organised to allow the acquisition of knowledge and the development of transversal competences, which allows the students to obtain a solid training in these areas. In order to enhance and sharpen the students’ professional competences, the most recent theoretical developments are combined with the analysis of real case studies.

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  • Marketing


    The specific and advanced qualifications in the Marketing area are seen as a priority by several organisations, from small to big companies, enhancing the employability of the professionals who have these competences. The fast shift in the market’s tendencies, the new online consumption ways, the ever more global and digital consumer and market’s dynamics imposes challenges to the companies since they have to be able to anticipate this changes in a quick and consistent way. The Masters in Marketing aims, in that way, to address this need for a greater qualification in this area by providing a basis which allows the students an effective organizational approach in the different sectors of the economy. It aims to provide students with competences at the level of market understanding and provide them with the operational tools to act on this market in an effective way, in the different components of the marketing strategy.

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  • Taxation


    The objectives of the Master in Taxation is the advanced training and research in the areas of Taxation, Tax Law and Tax Planning, in an internal or international perspective, as well as the promotion of expertise and advanced fiscal update for senior management, lawyers, and tax advisers, targeted at optimizing the fiscal performance of firms. In this sense, the aim is to provide the development of competencies of a professional career, with responsibilities in taxation, particularly theoretical and practical techniques associated with the Portuguese Tax System and taxes that constitute it, as well as the comprehension of the key variables that differentiate the Portuguese reality from the European/International market, wider, with its own accounting, financial and tax practices.

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  • Tourism Management


    The Master in Tourism Management aims to respond to the need for further qualification in this sector, providing a base that allows the student to act effectively within the tourism industry, particularly in hospitality industry. The objectives of the course are primarily focused on the qualification of high-level human resources and the production of knowledge in the area of tourism and hospitality. It also aims to provide students with skills related to overall management of tourism companies and to business promotion anchored on competitive edge so as to face the challenges of a highly competitive and complex global market.

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