IPCA’s vice-president, Paula Tavares, did the opening honors and contextualized those present about the work that RUN-EU has been developing in the regional and European context, and IPCA’s pro-president for the areas of employment and entrepreneurship, Pedro Melo, also welcomed the participants. Then the work session started, with presentations from experts in circular economy and entrepreneurship, namely Rui Pinheiro, from Set.Up Guimarães, and Luís Ramos, from the company Use and Reuse, both with extensive experience in these areas.
The winning team was the one from the “Recycling Smart” project, which dedicated itself to solving the challenge “Smart Waste Management in Riverside Areas”.
The proposal, developed by the team composed of students from Barcelinhos Secondary School – João Moreira, Afonso Ferreira, Emanuel Costa, Rodrigo Torres, Bruno Araújo, and students from IPCA – Thaís Souza and Tiago Araújo, involved the conceptual development of a smart waste bin with the aim of monitoring and making waste separation and collection more efficient, thus providing a solution that minimizes the impact of waste on the riverside area of Barcelos.
The winning idea will, after, be presented at an online event that will bring together the winning ideas from all the INNHOTONs carried out by RUN-EU partner institutions.
This first edition of RUN-EU INNHOTON at IPCA proved to be a dynamic space for learning and collaboration, encouraging innovation and sustainable thinking among young people in the region.